Animation Zone

Animation Zone is a collection of libraries that I made to make my life easier.

I write the code for these libraries then I release them for free for others to use/learn from/contribute to. Feel free to use them too if you want to make your life easier. Let's make the internet a prettier place.

My Libraries

Slice Revealer

Slice Revealer is a easy to use dependency free library that allows users to cover and uncover DOM elements with customizable animated slices.

Position Based

Position Based Transform

Position Based Transform is a lightweight, 60fps, dependency free library for CSS transform effects based on mouse position.

mern-bp image

MERN Boiler Plate

Boilerplate I created to make MERN stack applications. Bootstrapped with create-react-app. Set up with a RESTful API and deployable on Heroku out of the box. Uses MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, Mongoose, Bluebird, and Axios.


  • MaiCoding - This is my site. I made this stuff.
  • Pexels - For the various images I used throughout demos.